
Anhui University School of Electronic Information Engineering and Taihe Intelligent co-build a practice training base

Anhui University School of Electronic Information Engineering and Taihe Intelligent co-build a practice training base

Publishdate:2021-08-04 Views:2623

On the morning of July 27, the agreement signing and awarding ceremony of the joint construction of the practice training base between Anhui University school of Electronic Information Engineering and Hefei Taihe Intelligent Technology Group Co., Ltd. was held in Taihe Industrial Park. Qu Lei, vice president of Anhui University school of Electronic Information Engineering, signed a contract with Wang Zhongjun, deputy general manager and director of human resources center of Taiho intelligent group, and jointly held the unveiling ceremony for the internship and training base.

Ding Dawei, director of innovation laboratory, Anhui University school of Electronic Information Engineering, Hu Yongbing, director of electrical and electronic laboratory, and Zhang Hongwei, associate professor; Zhu Yancheng, director of president's office of Taihe Intelligent Technology Group, Shi Pu, assistant director of R & D center, Wang Hongbo, manager of optical department, and Pan Huping, deputy director of enterprise management department of Taiho Intelligent business department, jointly attended the signing and awarding ceremony.

After arriving at the company, Qu Lei, vice president of the school of electronic information engineering of Anhui University, first visited the company's exhibition hall, got a detailed understanding of the company's development process, honor, customer distribution, product field and other basic information, watched the on-site demonstration of product sorting materials, and visited the company's main production workshops, conducted in-depth research on the company's products and production site, and the company's personnel attending the signing and awarding ceremony accompanied the visit and research.

Before the signing and awarding ceremony, Wang Zhongjun, deputy general manager of Taihe Intelligent Group and director of human resources center, welcomed Qu Lei, vice president of School of electronic information engineering of Anhui University, and introduced the company's achievements in talent training and school enterprise cooperation, as well as future work plans. Qu Lei, vice president of Anhui University school of Electronic Information Engineering, introduced the basic situation of the college and the recent teaching and scientific research achievements, and put forward the expectations and plans for school enterprise cooperation.

Subsequently, the participants of both sides discussed the joint construction of practice and training base, established the cooperation principle of "complementary advantages, resource sharing, mutual benefit and win-win and common development", explored a new mode of joint training of innovative and applied talents by schools and enterprises, and built a talent transmission channel to meet the development of enterprises and social needs, realize more extensive cooperation between enterprises, college teachers and students of relevant majors in employment, product R & D, achievement transfer and technical training, and further promote scientific and technological demonstration and achievement transformation. At the same time, the technical R & D personnel of both sides have conducted in-depth exchanges on the future talent training of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a major trend of future industrial development. Both schools and enterprises should make use of their respective advantages to carry out in-depth cooperation in artificial intelligence technology R & D, curriculum, internship and training, employment guidance, etc, Jointly promote the development of artificial intelligence industry to deeper technology research and application fields.

The Anhui University School of Electronic Information Engineering and Taihe intelligence will jointly build an internship and training base, which will fully open a new journey of school- enterprise cooperation, and take this opportunity to give full play to the advantages of both schools and enterprises, promote the transformation of scientific research achievements, science and technology transfer and docking of colleges and universities, improve the innovation ability and scientific and technological level of Taihe intelligence in the field of artificial intelligence, and explore innovation The joint training mode of applied talents, strengthen the links of practical education, and establish a long-term mechanism of the combination of "production, learning and research". The two sides work together for innovative development, mutual benefit and win-win results, and jointly depict a beautiful blueprint for school- enterprise cooperation.