
Practicing the goal of carbon neutrality, Taiho intelligence helps the development of green mines

Practicing the goal of carbon neutrality, Taiho intelligence helps the development of green mines

Publishdate:2021-06-21 Views:2445

  On September 22, 2020, the Seventy-fifth United Nations General Assembly proposed: my country's carbon dioxide emissions will strive to reach the peak before 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.

  Carbon neutrality means to offset the carbon dioxide emitted through energy conservation, emission reduction, technological innovation and other means to achieve "zero emissions". According to statistics, China's total carbon emissions in 2019 were 11.3 billion tons, and the energy sector's carbon emissions were 9.8 billion tons, accounting for 87% of the country's total. Therefore, to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the energy industry has the heaviest task and the greatest responsibility, and it will assume the role of the main force.

  Therefore, the commitment made at the 75th United Nations General Assembly not only means that my country’s determination to transform into a low-carbon economy will remain unchanged from the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and continue to achieve the decoupling of economic development and carbon emissions, but also means that the government has a strong interest in my country’s industry. Full of confidence in the competitiveness and technological development in the realization of the energy transition. This is a strategic decision that China has made after considering the overall interests of the country, the international situation, high-quality economic and social development, and high-level protection of the ecological environment. It will bring historic opportunities for my country's sustainable development.

  This goal will realize my country's revolution in the energy sector. It will not only reshape China's energy structure, but also have a positive impact on the economy, bringing about digital transformation and the popularization of intelligent applications in power, transportation and other industries. It is a further step in the realization of the strategic goal of the energy revolution under Beautiful China. Tahoe's exploration of carbon emission reduction with artificial intelligence as the core Coal is the main fuel and raw material of my country's industry. For a long time, coal has accounted for nearly 70% of my country's energy structure, which has become an important reason for the high level of carbon emissions in my country's industry. . Under the general trend of the digital economy, Taiho Intelligent has developed a new balance between productivity improvement and environmental friendliness by fully constructing the interconnection of people, machines, and things, relying on artificial intelligence machine vision technology and deep learning algorithms, to find a new balance between productivity improvement and environmental friendliness, and provide the field of coal mining. Effective solutions to increase coal utilization, improve energy efficiency of production management, reduce resource consumption and negative environmental impact, promote carbon emission reduction to a new level, and help achieve carbon neutrality goals.

  Take the application of Intelligent Coal Sorting Equipment (PIDS) independently developed by Taiho Intelligent, which integrates mechanization, automation and intelligence, as an example. The high-carbon natural properties of coal cannot be changed, but the raw coal information is collected by AI image recognition technology through PIDS, and the impurities in the raw coal are accurately injected to remove the impurities, which can realize the separation of useful coal and gangue. Compared with traditional coal washing methods, PIDS can save 2 kilowatt-hours of electricity per ton of raw coal processed. According to expert statistics, for every kilowatt-hour saved, about 0.997 kg of carbon dioxide can be reduced. Take a coal mine with 12Mt/a, 300-25mm grain size accounting for 30% of the total grain size as an example, after the use of PIDS dry coal preparation equipment, every year It can save 7.2 million kWh of electricity. According to the "Analysis of the Status Quo of the Domestic Coal Preparation Industry in 2013", wind separation accounts for about 5% of various coal separation methods. From the perspective of emission reduction, the value of replacing traditional wind separation methods with PIDS is self-evident. In addition, compared to the method of washing raw coal with water added to the medium (after dehydration, the moisture in the coal remains about 5%), the heat value of each kilogram of coal processed by PIDS can be increased by about 400 kcal, which means that PIDS can be greatly improved The utilization rate of coal energy has become an important starting point for energy saving and emission reduction on the demand side of high energy-consuming industries such as thermal power.

  In addition, many cutting-edge technologies of Taiho Intelligent in ore mining and resource recovery have entered large-scale applications. The promotion and application of these new solutions will also help optimize the overall resource allocation and ultimately point to the goal of "carbon neutrality".